What interconnectivity and data analytics means for you
Leverage valuable insights to see what’s coming and take pre-emptive action with Work in Progress Tracking. And update your manual manufacturing systems to modernize your operation and get the up-to-the-moment data you need to rise to the occasion and design the future.
Gain new levels of insights and drive real productivity by equipping your factory with hardware and software that seamlessly integrates into your business systems. Move beyond the pen, paper, and spreadsheets, and unlock the potential of real-time data exchange.
We’ve designed our hardware and software tools specifically for industrial data exchange. By enabling standard industrial control protocols, IoT protocols and standardized API sets, we’re re-inventing the way transaction management is implemented to make it as easy as possible. Whether you’re leveraging our solutions to update your ERP system, or you’re using a cloud-hosted asset management platform – We provide the ability to scale and seamlessly exchange data regardless of your current systems.